
"...it is a local speciality dish and if you fancy to eat fish you should not leave Gozo without trying it..."

Gozo weather in October?

October marks a weather difference as the season of Autumn will start to make its presence more pronounce. Summer clothes are made to the side to make space for the trousers and long sleeves. Temperatures in Gozo is just warm during the day, but chills at night. The sea would still be relatively warm so the swimming season will still be open for everyone. It is common to have days with light but continuous wind from the Northwest. This is the prevailing wind for the island of Gozo. The northernly wind bring cool dry air towards the land and feels much energetic especially after the hot humid and dusty summer breeze from the south.  These wind conditions make it perfect for the International Kite and Wind Festival.  This yearly event is organized in the village of Gharb in a vast open space amidst farmland. Next to the venue there is a small chapel dedicated to Saint. Dimitrious. This chapel used to serve mass to the farmers in the vicinity. An interested myth revolves around the chapel. Today the chapel is kept close, and only used for special occasion.

gozo kite and wind festival

Is there any classical event in Gozo?

The main classical events on the island of Gozo are Operas. Gozo has two major theatres both of which in the centre town Rabat. You may find an Opera play throughout the winter period depending on the productions. However, the month of October usually will always offer an Opera play or two. We advise to get your tickets early as these are sold out well before the play date. Numerous locals participate in the act, leaving the part of important characters to professional singers and actors. Many costumes and props are used to deliver the best production.

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What food should I taste in Gozo?

It is a must to try the “Lampuki”, also known as Dolphinfish in English. This particular fish is a seasonal and is caught from late August till around December. This fish can be enjoyed pan fried, roasted, or grilled. Another way to prepare and enjoy, is to make Lampuki pie. It is a local speciality dish and if you fancy to eat fish you should not leave Gozo without trying it.

lampuki traditional food

Is Halloween celebrated in Gozo?

On the island of Gozo, Halloween started to be celebrated some year ago. However, it is gaining traction fast. Every year various villages are organizing Halloween event to promote this occasion. A few households decorate their façade with fancy items. Children roam the streets in the late evening, knocking doors and collect candy.

halloween in gozo

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