
"...five weeks of orchestral concerts, choral and chamber music events..."

What is the weather like in Gozo during June?

June marks the official beginning of the summer season. Temperatures get warmer and people often head to the beach to cool of with a swim in the fresh Mediterranean sea, after which one could keep cool with an ice cream, slushie or perhaps an ice cold beer which can be bought from kiosks which are found at most beaches in Gozo.

Sette Giugno… what is it?

As the name suggests, the Sette Giugno falls on the 7th of June. The Sette Giugno is a nation holiday in Malta, which commemorates the events which happened on the same day in 1919. On that day, there were riots which are said to be the first steps towards the independence of the Maltese islands.

On the 7th of June, Gozo commemorates the events which happened on the day in 1919 through a re-enactment.

sette giungio, gozo

Spend a night like no other...

Enjoy yourself in our traditional accommodation, giving you an authentic Gozitan experience!!

MNARJA in Gozo

Mnarja is the feast of St Peter and St Paul, which is celebrated on the 29th June. It is a very popular feast across the Maltese islands and is also a public holiday. This feast is celebrated in Nadur, the village in which our B&B is situated. Activities related to this feast go on for 2 whole weeks in advance of the feast. Such activities would be in church as well as outside church. Church activities include special masses and prayers throughout the 2 weeks. On the other hand, those held outside church include:

  • live concerts by the local band
  • games such as bingo
  • agricultural and handcraft exhibition
  • plays
  • activities for the whole families

On the last 4 days leading to Mnarja feast and the day itself, there would be band marches every evening going around the core streets of the village of Nadur. All these activities can be enjoyed after less than a minute walk from our B&B, with most of the marches going though the street where the B&B is.

mnarja feast, nadur

Victoria International Arts Festival

The VIAF is a very popular arts festival, held in Gozo. It consists of five weeks of orchestral concerts, choral and chamber music events. Renowned musicians from around the world as well as from Gozo would be performing in this festival. Everyone, whether you are a musician or not, would enjoy himself attending any of these concerts held in Gozo, which are also free of charge.

Victoria International Art Festival

Beginning of wedding season

June also marks the beginning of the wedding season. In Gozo, a wedding is a huge celebration where the couple would celebrate their union and their new beginning. A typical wedding would consist of the ceremony, most of which are held in church, followed by a reception. During the reception, one would find food, music, dancing, drinks, DJ, band… a whole fiesta. Some couples would even include fireworks during the cutting of the cake or during dancing.

Weddings in Gozo

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