
"Easter is the main even of the month. It is celebrated..."

April is one of the  most ideal months to plan a stay in Gozo.

How is the weather during April in Gozo?

The weather is usually fantastic, with sunny warm days a slightly chilled air in the late evening.  Rain and wind are usually rare during the month. As a result, this leaves us plenty of opportunity to explore Gozo, the island of the three hills.

Which places to visit in Gozo in Spring?

xewkija rotunda church

There is a lot to see about Gozo!! The small size of the island gives the impression that is a one-day tour, but that is far from the truth. Gozo offers a vast and diverse selection of places. The sea will still be rather cold for a long swim in April. Therefore, we recommend visiting places inland. For people interested in architecture we suggest a visit at Xewkija’s church, The Rotunda.  The size of the church is pretty amazing, so big it can be seen clearly even from most villages in Malta. The building got famous for its nearly perfect circular dome.

Passing through the village of Xewkjija, one can grab a bite from the local bakery. Anchovies’ pies, and spinach pies are the one to go for, if there would be any left. Close to this village, are the Sanap Cliffs. The cliff edge is part of one of Gozo walking trail route. They offer a spectacular view of Gozo southern sharp cliff edge.

For the more adventurous explorer, Tas-Salvatur Hill or as known by the locals “ Tal-Merzuq Hill”, offers a small challenge. Situated amidst farmland, climbing the hill offers a stroll in the countryside.  Once at the summit, there is a clear view of Marsalforn valley to the north. On the opposite side the imposing Cittadella can be seen.

A less challenging hill is Ta’ Gordan. This particular hill is famous as Ta’ Gordan Lighthouse. It is the solo lighthouse for the island of Gozo and was constructed around 1850s. Most of the steep road up the hill is accessible by car. You will find a small car park just a few meters below the crest. The remaining part must be done by foot. The place is a bit cut off from the main places of interests. So usually it is pretty quiet and provides a spot of relaxation immersed in mother nature.

Ta Gordan lighthouse in Gozo

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What events take place in Gozo during April?

April’s main event is associated with religious celebration. Easter is the main even of the month. It is celebrated on a number of days. On Maundy Thursday, the churches are left open after the last daily mass. These will remain open throughout the whole night. Special decoration is put in place usually on a violet shade. It is a local habit, that people visit seven different churches during the night and say their prayers. Following is Good Friday. A special mass will be celebrated in every village church. Afterward a procession around the village will take place. The procession at Nadur village is one of the most sought after by the local. This is because a substantial number of people take part in the procession. Everyone has his own costume depicting a bible’s personage. Farm animals would accompany some important characters and statues during the procession.

Easter Sunday will be the final celebration, ending with a dedicated procession. It is local custom to buy easter sweets from ships, or made at home. Recently chocolate eggs have become more popular amongst children. However, the traditional sweet is the “Figolla”. Figolla is done by producing a sweet dough with an almond filling. Nowadays, different shapes are given to the dough and covered with melted chocolate or icing sugar.  It is also in practise to share home made figolli with friends, and family members.

In conclusion, if you’re visiting during the easter period, have a taste of one of our traditional sweets.

Easter celebration in Gozo
Figolla, traditional Gozo sweet

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